Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Stuck in a moment...

Did you ever felt one day as if you didn't want to wake up...feeling afraid of the sun that burns on top of your abode ruining your dreams...feeling jaded with the fight you've fought till now and you just can't collect yourself up to stand up again on your knees to face the demons that life has invited for you today...

Did you ever felt if you are pushing the raft with all your might only to find you getting no where in the midst of the stormy ocean and you wonder how long can you hold on to your artillary with no land of hope in the vicinity...

Did you ever felt so alone that the pain made you feel like walking bare foot in the desert with no one besides you to hold your see distant images and run an extra mile only to find that it was a mirage and you ask yourself if all you've got in your life is an illusion in itself-you get the glimpses all the time but when you really need it you will always be left empty handed...

You feel sad but you can't help it...Its your war and you have to fight it yourself...You get up..Take a deep breath...Say a little prayer and get prepared for the battle that lies ahead in front of you...Yes you are stuck up but you believe in God~whatever He does is for your good and this is just a phase of life which will pass away~eventually :)


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