Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Time & Relationship any of its kind; is difficult to explain-even more so to physical distances matter? Can it belittle all the time you spent-the fun you had-the pain you shared-the things you did to bring a smile on that face? I never used to think these things matter; but along with age comes experience and now things are more clearer than before-should I say it is all part of growing to be "practical" in life..

Distances do matter..Each day that you spend apart; you are actually spending a part of your life unshared from those who were once close..Slowly-knowingly or unknowingly-the past memories start to erode and the remains get ruffled by the new winds of change..Technologies doesn't help bridge the gap-even though you talk often or write tons of emails; you dont feel the togetherness or the bond that you once shared..

Lucky are the ones; who are blessed with people who still somehow keep up and make you feel special in thier wonderful ways..These are your true mates in life! Thats how I felt when I saw the portrait that one of my very good friend sent me yesterday-recalling the fun times in panchgini around this time last year..It does brighten up your day-doesn't it!

PS- Other way to look at this subject is that your absence should be long enough so that somebody misses you; it shouldn't be so long that somebody finds out that how well they can do without you!!