Monday, January 26, 2009

A Thought about Thoughts!

"One great use of words is to hide ones thoughts"

Thats what I read somewhere and it got me thinking that how complex creatures we are..We create languages, devices and technologies to communicate with people from farthest of places, even trying to send a message across to the aliens; and here we are on the other hand: still primitive when it comes to the matters of heart..still unable to understand the people who are so close to us..who have been a part of our life for so long..failing to recognize the people who care for us so us so much..

I wish I had the eyes to read the thoughts of people around-that would have been great! But I wonder if life would have the same meaning then as it holds now..Infact, this is the beauty of human nature: You could be miles apart and yet feel so close; or in other case, You might be close physically-but mentally your thoughts would be far-far away...

Anyways, at any point of time, if the boundaries of communication seem to be thicker than the air-then just try giving it a fresh gush of smile..afterall, smile breaks the barriers-Smile is the shortest distance between two people!

Keep smiling! :)